Dominique Goneau
The discourse of dreams
Meilleur film fantastique
The discourse of dreams
Synopsis : In New France, in the year of our Lord 1642. Anguerant de Ganélon, witch hunter and monster killer, leaves Europe accompanied by his valet and a priest in order to pursue the vampire who killed his wife. Arriving on the new continent, the troop responded to a contract offered by the Bishop of Bezon. The film presents a gothic and barbaric New World, a land of sordid adventures where occult forces rule the deep forests. The bishop finds himself grappling with another victim of the same master vampire, Countess Violenna de Beaufort, who was transformed into the undead in her turn. In order to find out where the bloody monster guilty of the transformation of the noblewoman is, Anguerant and his henchmen lock Violenna in a circle of consecrated hosts, to starve her and be questioned by the monster hunters, playing wit each of their side of the circle to fool both and have the last word in the confrontation, a power game takes place between the living and the dead.