
Édition - 2024

Fundación Princesa de Asturias

Fundación Princesa de Asturias

The Princess of Asturias Foundation is a non-profit private institution whose essential aims are to contribute to extolling and promoting those scientific, cultural and humanistic values that form part of the universal heritage of humanity and to consolidate the existing links between the Principality of Asturias and the title traditionally held by the heirs to the Crown of Spain. His Majesty King Felipe VI was Honorary President of the Foundation since its creation in 1980 until his proclamation as King of Spain on 19th June 2014, following which Her Royal Highness Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz, Princess of Asturias, became the Honorary President of this institution which annually convenes the Princess of Asturias Awards.

Meilleur documentaire court

Genre : dramatique Format : Documentaire Released on : 01 mars 2024 Duration : 40:00 : Spain
Carmen and María. Two paths, but one gaze

Carmen and María. Two paths, but one gaze

Spain 40:00 2024-03-01


This documentary reveals the process of artistic creation behind the performances of flamenco singer Carmen Linares and flamenco dancer María Pagés, who, via their reflections on their life and work, transmit their personal vision of flamenco art.