Tim S Lott

Joan of Arc
Edition : décembre 2022
Genre : dramatiqueFormat : Court métrage 4:42
Released on : 24 août 2022
Pays : United States
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Joan of Arc
Synopsis : Joan's first triumph in battle against the English has her quesioning her faith as a result of the blood shed on both sides that day.
Member of International Cinematographers Guild IATSE Local 600 Friend of The ASC, Assistant to Steve Friedman Producer/Kings Road Ent., and director Tony Richardson Studied classical dance and theater, Camera Assistant to Chuck Lorre and James Burrows sit-coms, Alan Daviau ASC, and Curtis Clark ASC/commercials, Kenny Lamkin "Frasier."
"It is the emotional journey that lead and dynamic character (co-star,) experience in the adventure (events along a timeline,) that I am interested in telling. Combining the emotional intimacy between the characters with the intricacy of the story."