Sophie Horry

Edition : avril 2024
Meilleur(e) Réalisatrice/Réalisateur court-métrage
Genre : dramatiqueFormat : Court métrage 21:03
Released on : 11 mars 2024
Pays : France
665 vues
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Synopsis : Nina has just gotten her first contraception. The 16year-old is ready to make love, not sex. Yet her mom’s new relationship, as well as her work in the sex industry embodies what Nina despises. While Annette tries to be present for her daughter, Nina shuts down for a worthy act of love. When Nina discovers the simple and physical act of sex, the young girl questions her ideals.
Sophie Horry is a French director, screenwriter and actress. She practices acting since her young age as a hobby before taking an education at the Cours Florent in Paris. Discovering movie sets to this occasion, she develops a high interest for directing. She studies simultaneously English studies and a Cinema degree. After validating both of her degrees, she travels in Poland at the Warsaw Film School where she studies and practices directing. She directs more than a dozen shorts in two years. Her two yearly shorts were both selected by the Warsaw Film School for financings and festival distribution. Her first 20min short “Petit Garçon” obtains several selections in various festivals from Poland to Canada. Her second 20min short “Rouge” is currently on its festival journey across Europe.
Sex is nowadays broadly a performance. In our society sex is advertised and treated socially as a fun, lightweight matter. It is expected to be enjoyed as casually as any other primitive need as thirst or hunger, by individuals or by the way that society portrays and sells sex. I have never felt fitted in this approach. I grew up imagining that sex was a spiritual connection and discovered late in my teenagehood the physical reality of it. This realization was a personal shock, and later the practice was disappointing. The reality was that intercourses without connection doesn’t feel vital to me. Truth is, it disgusted me. So what was all the excitement about? Nonetheless, love and emotional bounding allows me to overcome repulsion. I have grown accepting that my take on sex was probably a minority, and that I will have to adapt to my partners my entire life. Only as a young adult I have understood that every take on sexuality should be valid as long as they are understood by others and yourself, and respectfully communicated. This emotional approach to sex is unfortunately often taken as naïve, weird, unexperienced, or as a woman’s sensitivity. I’d like to allow the audience, despite what their own relationship to sex is, to grasp a piece of what living in a sexualised society feels like for someone who doesn’t find sex as appealing. With ‘Red’ I want to browse this theme I have a complex relationship with through a mother-daughter relationship, a topic that I am equally familiar with. I’d like to portray an approach to sex that is undemocratized, without condemning the other extreme. Enjoying sex and craving it in its animal form is as natural and shouldn’t be judged either. Women who enjoy casual sex are not whores, and women who crave emotional connection are not naïve.