Jerry van de Beek, Betsy De Fries
Genre : animationFormat : Très court 3:50
Released on : 14 février 2024
Pays : United States
376 vues
Synopsis : A junior astronaut fulfills a dream of going to the moon. Once there, exhilaration gives way to reality. But what has been left behind? Created in a colorful, prismatic, 2D graphic style with a haunting soundtrack that echoes with loneliness.
Jerry van de Beek Jerry van de Beek is Little Fluffy Clouds's co-founder, creative director, chief-animator and code warrior. The director of many award-winning productions he is also an avid photographer using the medium as a means to tell a narrative in real time. Among his many award-winning productions are Yellowstone 88 – Song of Fire, As the River Flows, Billy Collins’s poem, TODAY and Au Petite Mort. Originally from The Netherlands he now lives happily near bike and running trails in California. Betsy De Fries Writer, poet, mixed media artist Betsy is LFC's founder, director and producer. Her checkered past includes theatres, nightclubs, performance spaces and international art-collectives. After a long career in art and media she now works on more meaningful and artistic productions among them, Yellowstone 88 – Song of Fire, As the River Flows, Billy Collins’ poem, TODAY and Au Petite Mort. She hales from London but lives in California with her dog JAX.